OTTAWA | 613.722.7811

The Algonquin Careers Academy administrative team from  both the Ottawa and the Mississauga campuses are taking a training course – Disney’s Approach to Quality Service. ACA has always tried to ensure that prospective students, students and graduates receive excellent customer service. Disney’s training wants us to reach the next level. “When an organizational framework properly unites its people, place and processes by putting the customer at its core, exceptional service becomes possible across customer touch points.” ( Exceptional service is what we are aiming to move up to.




Des Soye (President), Rebecca DaRosa (Campus Director, Mississauga), Sarah (Assistant Manager, Ottawa), Supreet (Education Manager, Mississauga), Emilia (Registrar, Mississauga), Dalia (Office Administrator, Mississauga), Roxanne (Employment Counsellor, Mississauga), Nestor (Admissions Representative, Mississauga), Ken (Admissions Representative, Mississauga), Rima (Admissions Representative, Ottawa), Karen (Office Administrator, Ottawa), Debbie (Education Manager, Ottawa), Kerry (Employment Counsellor, Ottawa), and Alex (Registrar, Ottawa). All of these people are taking this Disney training so we can better serve you – give us a test by calling us later this week to experience exceptional customer service! Click on for the contact information.