OTTAWA | 613.722.7811

  • Our graduates are right for your workplace!

Career Services for Employers

Hire an Algonquin Careers Academy Graduate

Algonquin Careers Academy is a small, privately owned Career College. Our Career Services staff, the administration and the instructors at the college know the students, their strengths, their capabilities, their interests and where they will best fit. We can work with you to find the right fit for your team. 

Our graduates:​

  • Specialize in their field and have received theoretical and practical hands on training to ensure they are job ready
  • Learn from instructors who have experience in the field and ensure the grads are prepared and know what to expect
  • Have had a practical co-op placement providing them with relevant, real world experience
  • Are adult learners with previous work/life experience, often in a related field, giving them more confidence in their abilities
  • Graduate at different times throughout the year so can be available when you need them

Contact Career Services at our Ottawa Campus to post an opportunity today!

Host An Intern

Most of our diploma programs have a portion of the learning process dedicated to real world experience by way of an unpaid, practical placement. This helps our students to take the theoretical and practical education and training they have received in class and apply it to a work situation. This is a win-win opportunity for our students and you as an employer. 

As the intern host, you will guide the interns using your expertise and experience but you will also benefit from their assistance as they have been well-trained by their instructors at Algonquin Careers Academy. As well you will have a feeling of pride in the contribution you are making to the student’s career progression. Finally, hosting an intern gives you the opportunity to evaluate a student during an unpaid probationary period to determine if you would like to hire them after the placement. 

For the student, it provides a life changing opportunity to apply their skills in a work environment and to gain confidence in their abilities. Your guidance is invaluable to their development. The before and after are truly transformed.

Our students have their practical placement at different times throughout the year so there will always be one available to take on an internship at a time that is convenient for you. 

LEGAL STUDIES (weeks of placement):

  • Paralegal (4 weeks)
  • Law Clerk (4 weeks)

HEALTH CARE (weeks of placement):

  • Early Childcare Assistant (8 weeks)
  • Personal Support Worker (8 weeks)
  • Pharmacy Technician (9 weeks : 5 weeks community pharmacy and 4 weeks hospital)
  • Pharmacy Assistant (6 weeks community pharmacy)
  • Intra Oral Dental Assisting (2 weeks)
  • Medical Esthetician (4 weeks)
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician (6 weeks)
  • Medical Office Assistant (4 weeks)


  • Business Administration (although there is not an official internship, one can be arranged)
  • Accounting and Payroll (although there is not an official internship, one can be arranged)
  • Supply Chain and Logistics (8 weeks)

Contact Career Services at our Ottawa campus to host an intern today!


Other Employer Opportunities

Other ways you can get involved in promoting your profession and/or company and assess the potential of future candidates for positions at your company would be to:

  • Host a class field trip to your facility
  • Guest lecturer in class
  • Participate in a Career Fair at Algonquin Careers Academy

Contact Career Services at our Ottawa Campus to find out more!