Financing your future is one of the most important issues for any student. To be able to reach your goal, proper planning and helpful assistance are key.
There are a variety of options available to you. The links below will provide you with further information on these options. For further information call the campus to speak with a qualified Financial Aid Administrator.
Government Student Loans
Students enrolled in:
may be eligible, if qualified, for loans, grants, or awards granted under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
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Bank Solutions
Your financial institution may offer options for you to fund your program. Different institutions have their own criteria in order to determine eligibility. Ensure that you are fully aware of your chosen banking option program requirements prior to choosing a solution that is right for you.
Human Resources Development Canada
Human Resources Development Canada, HRDC, has a number of programs, for eligible clients, contemplating specialized career training. Individuals who meet their criteria may be eligible for funding to attend Algonquin Careers Academy.
It is necessary to consult a HRDC representative to explore relevant funding options available to you.
Second Career Program
Second Career is an Ontario government program that helps you train for a new job. Second Career provides financial support to help laid-off Ontarians participate in training for a new career. Counsellors at Employment Ontario assessment centres across the province can help you take the first step.
The fun, online quiz takes 3-minutes to complete and you’ll get a personalized report. Identify your strengths and social style plus the training and positions you’re best suited for. Get Your Career Training Readiness score now!