OTTAWA | 613.722.7811

Trained Personal Support WorkersIt is difficult enough changing the sheets on an empty bed but try doing it with a person lying in it. The great part about hiring a trained Personal Support Worker is that they have learned to do this and so many other things that an untrained person will not have the skills to do. The excellent instructors of our PSW program train our PSWs so that they are ready and prepared to assist when and where required.



To find out more about becoming a PSW:…/health…/personalsupportworker or call the Ottawa or Mississauga campus and ask to speak with an Admissions Advisor. They can tell you all about it. Or to find out about hiring a graduate of our PSW program, call and ask to speak with our Career Counsellor.

MISSISSAUGA | 905.361.2380
OTTAWA | 613.722.7811


Personal Support Worker students learning to properly make a bed PSW Making an Occupied Bed