OTTAWA | 613.722.7811


We hope that this update finds you and your families healthy and safe!

ACA has been delivering all of our programs at both campuses “at home” for 4 weeks now. There have been some glitches that we have worked out and there have also been some star moments with best practices being shared among the instructors.

We expect this learning at home to continue until at least early June. We will rely on the Ontario Government to provide us with more information as to when we can return to the classrooms.

We are continuing to do as much as we can to finish the currently running programs. We will be starting new programs with the “at home” format but will hopefully be returning to the classroom in time for the majority of the courses to be taught in school.

We are doing our best to keep things running as normally as possible for our students. We appreciate the support from our instructors, staff and current students in getting through this difficult time.

Hoping for the flattening of the curve to start the movement back to normal!


Des, Martha, Rebecca and Susan