We had an excellent guest speaker, Christal Côté, who is a graduate of our Paralegal diploma program and a very successful Senior Grievance & Arbitration Officer at Carleton University Academic Staff Association (and spoiler alert: our upcoming Ottawa Graduate of the Quarter award winner!).

Our Valedictorian was a graduate of our Pharmacy Technician diploma program, Dawn Ashby. Dawn as a student participated on our Pharmacy Technician Advisory Committee and continues to do so as a graduate.

Our instructors provided some information about each program to let the audience know what our grads have learned and of what they are capable.

A White Coat Ceremony for our Pharmacy Technician graduates marked our students' transition from the study of pharmacy tech to practicing pharmacy tech.

We had a HUGE graduating class of PSWs who are entering the community and ready to provide exemplary care.

Highest Mark for PSW Highest Mark for Pharmacy Technician

Highest Mark Fitness and Health Promotion Highest Mark Medical Office Assistant

Highest Mark Accounting and Payroll/Business Presidents Award, Thuy Miner, PSW

For more photos check out our facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AlgonquinCareersAcademy/
To find out more about our programs: http://www.algonquinacademy.com/programs