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Mississauga Spring 2013 Graduation

Pomp and Circumstance at the Algonquin Careers Academy Mississauga graduation on Tuesday, April 16! What an evening of excitement for the graduating students, fulfillment for the staff and pride for the families and friends of the graduates. Victoria Jones filled the emcee role in a professional and grad-friendly manner. We had two keynote speakers (Vic Pellicori and Don Fraser) to emphasize the changing nature of careers over the years, and to provide inspiration to the new grads to get out there and succeed in their chosen field.  

The grads paraded up in their vibrant red gowns to receive their diplomas and be congratulated by their instructors and the staff. The Valedictorian, Mercedes McLaren, took on the role and the speech in the same manner she did everything throughout her time at Algonquin Careers Academy, with determination, a positive attitude, and gusto. Our online travel program graduates often live too far from the campus to come to a grad but this year we had a graduate of the online travel counsellor program attend and she came with a large number of supportive family members – go Linda!

The awards were as follows:



Presidents Award - Oprah Coley-Brown Valedictorian - Mercedes McLaren

Highest Average per Faculty:  

Medical Lab Technician - Madel Ballesteros

Accounting and Payroll Administrator - Allyza Masangkay

Paralegal - Winnie Lo 

PSW - Oprah Coley-Brown

Pharmacy Technician - Leonard Bato



Congratulations to all of our graduates and we wish you well in your career journey!